Cold Steel 88SN Dueling Saber 32" 1055 Carbon Blade, Polished Nickel Steel Guard

Cold Steel
Original price $399.99
Sale price $234.53
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Most military sabers are effective for cutting and thrusting, but they can be heavy and are challenging to wield with precision for any length of time. The Italian Dueling Saber, however, is different! Its long, slim, moderately curved blade is feather light and you can easily write your name in scarlet with its razor edge. Many years ago, Maestro Ramon Martinez introduced this fiercely effective blade to the Cold Steel president, Lynn C. Thompson, and Lynn was impressed enough to want to produce one for Cold Steel. The Italian Dueling Saber is best described as ornate. The blade, artfully forged, tempered, and polished has an attractive deep scroll etching that is sure to capture your eye, and the intricately pierced guard is made from brightly polished nickel steel. The guard has rolled edges and provides unsurpassed protection for a swordsmans hand and forearm. The handsome scabbard is made of thick black leather and features a mirror polished and etched throat and chape, with dual carrying rings.

  • Weight: 21.8oz
  • Blade Thickness: 3/16in
  • Blade Length: 32in
  • Blade Steel: 1055 Carbon
  • Handle Length/Material: 6in
  • Overall Length: 38in

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