Elite Tactical Systems CAM-RIFLE C.A.M. Universal Mag Speed Loader for AR10 AR15 AK47 AK74 FN SCAR-16/17 Scorpion Evo Rifle Magazines

Elite Tactical Systems
Original price $29.99
Sale price $25.49
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Regardless of your age, your strength or shooting skill level, this loader is for you! Whether it's your first time shooting or you're a seasonsed pro, the ETS speed loaders will change the way you shoot forever.

Loader Features:
  • The first truly universal loader for rifle mags
  • Load the following mags: AR15, AR10, AK47, AK74, FN SCAR-16/17, G36, Steyr Aug, MP5, Scorpion EVO, Colt SMG, UZI and more...
  • Loads the following calibers: 5.56 x 45 / .223, .308, 7.62 x 39, 300BLK, 5.45 x 39, 9mm (rifle) and more...Made from a durable polymer that will hold up to wear and tear.
  • Portable and fits easily into your range bag or your pocket.
  • Lifetime Warranty
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