Birchwood Casey Gun Scrubber Synthetic Firearm Cleaner

Birchwood Casey
Original price $7.99 - $17.99
Sale price $5.97 - $13.53
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Cleaning your firearms just got a whole lot easier thanks to gun scrubber® synthetic safe cleaner. Now you can buy one cleaner that does the job safely on every single firearm that you own. Gun scrubber® cleaner cleans and evaporates fast. This product may harm plastic, wood, laminates, composites, rubber grips or any other material used in the construction of today’s firearms.

  • Gun Scrubber® Cleaner Cleans And Evaporates Fast
  • Gun Scrubber® Eliminates Firearm Jams While Improving Accuracy And Reliability
  • Excellent For Automatics, Bolts, Lever And Slide Actions, As Well As Shotguns, Air Rifles, And Muzzleloaders

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