Fox Labs Five Point Three Pop Top 2% OC Lock On Grenade Pepper Spray

Fox Labs
Original price $18.99 - $29.99
Sale price $13.59 - $21.71
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This Fox Labs lock-on pepper grenade is a valuable tool for crowd control operations. When the pop top is disengaged, it can release spray for 10 continuous seconds, enough to cover a 10 x 10 foot area for instant area denial. It contains their famous Five Point Three formula, as used by military and law enforcement personnel around the world. Its two percent oleoresin capsicum content delivers 5.3 million Scoville units to deter even the most determined rioters. The non-flammable formula is safe to use alongside electronic discharge weapons, so you can still follow up with a taser. It also contains a UV marker dye for suspect identification.

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