Fox Labs Five Point Three Flip Top Defense 2% OC Pepper Spray

Fox Labs
Original price $21.99 - $26.99
Sale price $16.64 - $23.99
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This lightweight pepper spray from Fox Labs still packs a knockout punch. It contains their famous Five Point Three formula, used by the United States Military as well as law enforcement agencies across the country. The formula is rated at a scorching 5.3 million Scoville units thanks to its two percent oleoresin capsicum content. The spray is available with both stream and cone dispersal systems. The stream is more accurate, reduces the risk of blowback and is less affected by adverse weather. The cone pattern sacrifices range for increased coverage, reducing the need for pinpoint accuracy under pressure. The non-flammable spray is safe to use alongside tasers and contains an ultraviolet dye for suspect identification.

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