ASP Key Defender Pepper Spray Replacement Inserts - Heat or Inert

Original price $11.00 - $19.00
Sale price $9.14 - $15.55
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Unlike common throwaway aerosol can defense products, ASP Defenders are highly-engineered dispersion devices that use a proprietary, replaceable OC (Oleoresin Capsicum) Insert. These Inserts are precision-machined from aerospace aluminum and solid brass, and incorporate a specially-produced valve system and patented dispensing mechanism. The entire unit is O-ring sealed.

Our “Heat” formulation is maximum strength, law enforcement-grade OC: 10% Oleoresin Capsicum, 1.33% major capsaicinoids, two million Scoville Heat Units (SHU). We also offer Test Inserts, which contain a harmless, inert aerosol—we highly recommend them for practicing using your ASP Defender.

One of the benefits of this component-based system is that it facilitates safe training, using our Test Inserts, which contain a harmless, inert aerosol. We highly recommend using them and practicing with your ASP Defender before carrying it with the active Heat Insert installed.

IMPORTANT: Pepper spray cannot be shipped to AK, DC, HI, MA, NY, or Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands or internationally. May be shipped to other locations via ground service only.

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