Mace 80535 Magnum Model 3 Non-Lethal Gel Delivery Pepper Spray w/ Clip

Original price $19.94
Sale price $12.84
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The Mace® Brand Magnum 3 Pepper Gel, you don't have to worry about wind blowback the thick, glue-like substance sticks to and incapacitates an attacker plus, its small enough for your pocket or bag so you’re always prepared. OC pepper spray causes respiratory distress and coughing, impaired vision, and an intense burning sensation to the skin while UV dye leaves a long-lasting residue to support investigation and identification. Accurate & effective, the Mace® Brand Pepper Gel combines an advanced delivery system with a powerful formula to protect you from long-range threats its gel stream pattern provides long-range protection up to 18 ft.

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