SureFire Slip-On Flashlight Bezel Filters

Original price $12.50 - $25.00
Sale price $11.19 - $23.04
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SureFire F04-A, F06-A and F07-A filters slip onto the 1.125-inch diameter bezels of select SureFire flashlight models, adding versatility to the light for a variety of tasks. The F04-A diffuses a tightly focused TIR beam into a wider beam for heightened situational awareness. The F06-A is a blue light filter that assists with identifying fluid on dry surfaces (e.g. tracking blood on a hunt or finding a leaking source of fluid in an engine bay). The F07-A is a clear slip-on lens that can be used to protect flashlight and WeaponLight lenses while using UTMs for force-on-force tactical training.

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