5ive Star Gear 4545000 Stainless Wire Saw

5ive Star Gear
Original price $12.95
Sale price $6.95
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The wire saw was originally developed by the USAF for a pilot survival kit. This is a similar version to what has been used by the U.S. Military for many years and comes with sturdy steel removable end fittings with heavy duty rings. The wire is much stronger than most saws available today, allowing it a longer life and a capability of cutting through just about anything.

  • Stainless steel multi-strand cutting wire that is ideal for a number of survival, outdoor and home uses
  • Cuts through logs and branches with ease with two ring swivel points for easy handling or can be fashioned into an improvised bow saw by attaching flexible branches
  • Lightweight and coils to fit in a small pocket or pouch

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