Galco HCK Holster Care Kit

Galco Gunleather
Original price $36.00
Sale price $31.42
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Draw-EZ™ is applied to the inside of your leather holster to shorten the break-in period and to provide a slicker draw. When applied sparingly to the interior surface of the leather pocket Draw-EZ will not be absorbed by the leather, alter the fit of the holster, or harm the finish on either the firearm or the holster.

Galco's Leather Lotion and Conditioner is specially formulated to gently clean, condition and preserve finished naked and exotic leathers. The special wax free formula removes surface dirt and provides water resistance. Do not use on suede, nubuck or napped leathers. (Holster not included)

  • Four ounce bottle Leather Lotion
  • .5 ounce bottle Draw-Ez
  • Application dauber
  • Synthetic wool buffing pad
  • Foam scrub pad

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