Gould & Goodrich B812 Gold Line Inside/Outside Pants Holster for Colt 1911 (5" bbl)

Gould & Goodrich
Original price $121.35
Sale price $79.54
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Wear this versatile holster concealed inside or outside pants. Gold Line - the finest genuine leather holsters in the world.
  • Fits most full-size 1911-type pistols with 4.75 in. to 5.0 in. bbl. incl. BROWNING Hi-Power; COLT Delta, Elite, Gold Cup, Gov’t, 1911A1; Kimber Custom, Target, Gold Match, Royal; Para-Ordnance P14 .45, P16 .40; Ruger 1911; Smith & Wesson 1911; WILSON 5.0 in CQB , Protector, Tactical, Elite

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