Gould & Goodrich B416 Elastic BootLock Ankle Holster for Glock 43

Gould & Goodrich
Original price $79.25
Sale price $51.94
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To be worn over a boot. Secures the ankle holster to the boot by lacing the boot laces through the wrap portion of holster.
  • Fits most medium auto pistols and small revolvers including Beretta Cougar; Glock 26, 27, 43; Kahr 9, 40, P380 with Crimson Trace; Ruger LC9, LCR and LCP with Crimson Trace; Sig 239, 938, 290; S&W small J-Frame revolvers; S&W BG38; Taurus PT111, PT140, small J-Frame revolvers; SCCY CPX1, CPX2; Beretta NANO; Walther PPS M2

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