TacStar 1081231 Stock Adapter for Remington 870 Shotguns

Original price $49.98
Sale price $35.38
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TacStar’s Stock Adapters are designed to allow the use of any AR-15 type telescoping stocks and pistols grips on your shotgun. Unlike some competitive polymer adapters, TacStar’s are made of a tough die cast metal alloy which not only provides greater strength, but also additional weight to reduce felt recoil. Designed to perfectly match the factory receiver contours and mount up seamlessly. The adapters are designed for proper drop to use bead or ghost ring sights. The adapters will accept any standard AR-15 grip without a beavertail, or one having a flexible rubber beavertail, such as Pachmayr’s, Ergo’s and some Hogues. The adapter also features QD sling attachment ports on both sides. Available for Mossberg 500/590 and Remington 870 shotguns. (Does not include buffer tube or stock.

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