Pachmayr 1911 G10 Pistol Grips, Gray/Black

Original price $48.98
Sale price $34.66
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G-10 material is a fiberglass based epoxy resin laminate. It is an extremely tough and durable material that is impervious to moisture, weather or chemicals, making it a perfect material for handgun grips. The multiple layered construction allows the use of different colors to be added to the semi-auto grips, creating attractive patterns as it is machined. The Pachmayr G-10 Tactical pistol grips are available in two textures, a coarse Grappler pattern or fine checkered, and two color patterns, green/black and grey/black. Pachmayr G-10 Tactical grips are the toughest, most durable, and best looking semi-auto grips on the market. Available to fit 1911’s, Sig 238’s and 938’s, Ruger Mk III and 22/45’s, Beretta 92’s, Hi Power, and CZ 75’s.

  • Super tough, durable G-10 material
  • Impervious to moisture, weather or chemicals
  • Attractive color patterns
  • Coarse or checkered textures to suit your shooting or concealment needs

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